April 24, 2012

Checking in...

About 2 months or so ago Gage went into the hospital to have some EEG monitoring done and during the week he was there his seizures went crazy...he had so many that my husband lost count. It was apparent that the corpus callosotomy that he'd had done last year was not doing what we had hoped and in fact his seizures were worsening. His neurologist tried a few different medications while he was inpatient but none were doing enough...they would help a bit but never enough. The Dr. released him and ordered a PET scan to be done the following week on an outpatient basis. Waiting for those results was hard...his Dr. was hoping Gage would once again be a surgical candidate but it was all dependent on what the scan showed. In a few days we had our answer...there was a "spot" on the left side of his brain and the Dr. was certain that he would be a surgical candidate but we still had to wait for the board to convene to find out for sure. More waiting. It took about 2 weeks to hear back but the news was good...Gage was a definite candidate for surgery and in fact there was more than one option. Kris and I were happy but sad as well...no one wants to see their child have a surgery of any sort...even if it could help. We met with his neurosurgeon about a month ago and our options were quickly narrowed down to just one...the hemispherectomy. This surgery won't "cure" Gage of seizures but it will lessen the amount he does have. Currently his seizures are on both sides of his brain with the left side causing about 90% and the right side about 10%...obviously the left side is the side that is going to be 'disconnected.' Surgery is going to take place this Thursday afternoon. I am opening this back up so I have a generalized place to update people. I don't like to do much updating via Facebook as it just doesn't seem like the right forum for it...so this is where I will do it. Please keep all of us...especially Gage in your thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for you guys!


Sonya said...

You know we love you guys and if there is ANYTHING AT ALL WE CAN DO..you know you dont' even have to ask. Just give a call..we'll be waiting. Luv U ALL.

Farrah said...

Much love and thoughts Shannon... xoxo